Lean Zapekanka from Tvorog


1.25 lb tvorog (or farmer cheese)
2 eggs
3-4 tbsp cream of wheat
3 tbsp sour cream
3 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tbsp baking mix (optional)
Raisins, or other dried berries on taste
1 tbsp butter or margarine


Whip cold egg whites with a pinch of salt, until a mild peaks consistency.
Blend tvorog, sugar, sour cream, egg yolks, cream of wheat, vanilla sugar, and raisins.
Add whipped egg whites by the tablespoon, continuing blending.
Pre-heat an oven to 180°C (350°F).
Grease a high baking shape with the butter, and pour dough from the blender into the shape.
Bake for about 45 minutes, until the top changes color to golden.


Tvorog (or farmer cheese) can have different moisture, so you can add more or less sour cream, and more or less cream of wheat.
To serve, cut into pieces, and place in a small dish with fruit preserves or sour cream on the every serving plate.

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