
Snow Apple Salad


1 small bottle mayonnaise
3 eggs
100g cheese
3 apples
1 large white onion

Adjust the amount of mayonnaise covering each layer to your own taste.


Boil the eggs.

While the eggs boil, cut the onion into small pieces, put into a saucepan, and cover with boiling water for a little bit.

Drain the onion cubes, put onto a plate as a layer and dab with mayonnaise.

Marinated Red Cabbage


2 heads red cabbage
2 tbsp salt
20 peppercorns
3 - 4 bay leaves
3 garlic cloves
2 cup red wine vinegar


Cut every cabbage head into 4 parts, remove stem and upper leaves, and cut into thin pieces.

Sprinkle with salt, mix, and place in a deep glass or enameled dish.
Keep at room temperature for 2 days, stirring twice a day.

Tuna Salad

Ingredients for 2:

¼ lb boiled, baked or canned tuna, or other sea fish
¼ lb hard cheese
¼ lb apple
2 tbsp Mayonnaise
1 tbsp orange juice
1 tsp mustard
1 tbsp whipping cream
1 tomato
1 cucumber
1 lemon
Green salad leaves, black olives, and greens for decoration


Cut the tuna and cheese into small cubes.

Cut the apples into thin strips, or grate.

Blend together Mayo, whipping cream, orange juice, and mustard.

Meat-Mushrooms Salad

Ingredients for 4:

0.5 lb boiled meat
0.5 lb mushrooms (champignons or other)
1 medium onion
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp mustard
Salt and pepper on taste


Cut the mushrooms into thin slices, and simmer with 1 tbsp water on low heating until they’re ready, or for about 15 minutes.

Cut the meat into medium cubes.

Cut the sweet onions into small cubes.

Mix all ingredients. Let sit for 1-2 hours in a refrigerator.

"Furry” Salad


1 can salmon in own juice
3-4 medium potatoes
0.5 cup ground walnuts
4 hard-boiled eggs
1 medium onion
0.5 kg ground cheese
1 sour apple
Mayonnaise on taste


Wash the potatoes, and boil them. Then, cool and peel.

Blend Mayonnaise with fish broth from the can until an even consistency is reached.

Press salmon with a fork until it crumbles into small pieces, and place them in a large salad bowl.

Russian Salad – 2


4-5 boiled potatoes
½ lb boiled beef (de-boned, without fat)
2 hard-boiled eggs
1 medium apple
2 large salt cucumbers
1 small salt herring (or 4-5 large anchovies)

For dressing:

0.5 cup sour cream
1 tsp ground horseradish
2 tbsp vinegar
1 tsp mustard
2 tbsp dill and parsley greens, thinly cut


Soak the herring and anchovies if necessary (if they are too salted or too hot).

Smoked Chicken and Bean Salad

Ingredients for 4:

1 lb cooked (boiled or canned) beans
½ lb smoked chicken breast, de-boned and de-skinned
3 hard-boiled eggs
1 medium sweet onion
3 tbsp sour cream
Salt and greens on taste


Drain the beans, place in a salad bowl.

Cut chicken breast into small cubes, and put them in a salad bowl.

Peel onions, and cut into small cubes. Put them in the salad bowl.

Potato Salad with Crab Meat


5 medium potatoes
0.5 lb boiled crab meat, or 1 can crabmeat, or 1 pack crab meat imitation
½ English cucumber
Sauce Remulade


Boil the potatoes, cool, peel, and cut into medium cubes.
Grate the cucumber.
Cut the crabmeat into medium pieces.
Mix all the ingredients with Remulade sauce, decorate with marinated ginger, and serve.


Remulade sauce:

Smoked Chicken Salad

Ingredients for 2:

1 smoked chicken breast
1 medium onion
2 hardboiled eggs
½ English cucumber
½ can yellow corn (or ¼ lb boiled corm)
4 tbsp 3% vinegar + 1 tsp sugar
1/3 cup parsley greens
Spices and dressing on taste


Peel the onion, and cut into thin stripes.
Brine it with the vinegar-sugar mix.

Cut the chicken meat, eggs, and cucumber into medium cubes.

“Herring under fur coat” Salad

This dish is so named for the airy layers covering the herrings.


1 lb herrings fillets Matties (lightly salt, not brined, de-boned)
2 large beetroots
3 carrots
1-2 sour apples
3-4 hard-boiled eggs
Mayonnaise on taste


Boil beetroots in salt water (do not peel!) for about 45 minutes, check if they are mild with a knife. If not, boil for 15 more minutes, then place in cold water and let cool.

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