Julienne a la Russ

Ingredients for 3:

0.75 lb non-fat pork
1 large shallot onion
1-2 oz cheese
4 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp vegetable oil


Peel onions and cut into short thin strips.
Add vegetable oil to a skillet, heat to medium, put onions on the skillet, and cook until the onions are transparent.
Cut pork into julienne cut (cuts with sizes as a match).
Cover skillet with a lid. Turn heat to low. Cook until the meat is ready (for 10-12 minutes).
Add 1-2 tbsp hot water, if necessary. Add salt.
Turn heat to high; remove lid, and cook, stirring, until the skillet is dry.
Put meat and onions into 3 julienne dishes (or in small pots) filling them up to 2/3.
Wash with mayonnaise.
To get a less filling dish, you can use mix a sour cream and mayonnaise, or just sour cream.
Often, sauce “Béchamel” is used.

Béchamel recipe:

1 tbsp butter
1-2 tbsp flour
½ cup milk
Put butter in a skillet or saucepan, melt butter, and add flour to the skillet.
Cook flour on low heat, until creamy color and nut aroma.
Add hot milk, stirring. Cook on low heat until even consistence and the volume that you need.

Pour sour cream or Béchamel over meat.
Sprinkle with grated cheese or with grated cheese mixed with breadcrumbs.
Bake in an oven pre-heated to 380º F until the crust turns gold.
To serve, put hot julienne dishes on small plates.

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