

1 lb beef or lamb
3 medium or 2 large shallot onions
2 carrots
1 sweet red pepper
1 sweet yellow pepper
1 eggplant
1 garlic clove (or 1 tbsp grated garlic)
4 medium tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato paste
4 medium potatoes
1/2 pack spaghetti
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Spices: Salt, pepper, paprika, saffron, cumin ("zira") on taste


Cut meat into small cubes.
Pre-heat a deep and wide skillet with 1 tbsp oil, and fry meat, stirring, for about 4 minutes.
Cut onions, carrots, and sweet peppers into small cubes, add to the skillet.
Cut eggplant and tomatoes into small cubes, grate garlic, and add to the skillet.
Add spices, stir well, and pour ΒΌ g boiling water over it.
Mix well, turn heating to low, and simmer for 20 minutes under a lid.
Cut potatoes into medium cubes, add to the skillet, and simmer for about 25 minutes.
Add tomato-paste, mix well, and simmer for 1 minute.
In that time, cook spaghetti in boiling water until readiness, drain.

In every serving plate, put a portion of spaghetti, pour mix from the skillet, and sprinkle with greens.

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