Potato Garnish


2 lb potato
3 egg yolks
2 eggs
5 tbsp flour
1 cup bread crumbs, or ground nuts
Salt and spices on your taste


Peel potatoes, put in salted boiling water, and boil until they’re ready.
Drain well.

Ground cooled boiled potatoes.
Blend together with egg yolks and salt.

Sprinkle the large cutting board with flour. Roll the potato mix on it. Cut into pieces, and shape them as strikes your fancy.

Then, roll every piece in whipped eggs, and then in bread crumbs or ground nuts.
Pre-heat an oven to 190 C (380 F).

Sprinkle every piece with vegetable oil, place on a baking sheet, and bake until they turn gold colored.

You can use these pieces as a garnish to meat, fish, or serve them as a standalone main dish with marinated vegetables and mushrooms, or with a fresh vegetable salad.

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