Fish solanka (soup)

Ingredients for 2:

½ lb sturgeon fillet
2 medium potatoes
1 tomato
1 red sweet pepper
2 marinaded cucumbers
10 black/green olives
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt, ground black pepper on taste
1 lemon
Italian parsley for decoration


Peel potatoes, clean pepper and tomato, cut potatoes, tomato, and red pepper into cubes. Mix vegetables, pour flour over it, and mix well.
Cook on a skillet (or not deep sauce pan) until potatoes are lightly gold color.
Put vegetables into a saucepan with boiling water, turn heating to low, and boil 10 minutes.
Cut cucumbers and olives into small cuts, add into the saucepan, boil 3 minutes.
Cut sturgeon fillet into cubes, add salt and pepper, and boil 7 minutes.
After you pour solanka in serving plates, decorate it with slice of lemon and sprinkle with cut parsley.

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