Zucchini soup – puree


1 lb zucchini
1 large shallot onion
2.5 lb broth
1 medium carrot
2 garlic cloves
1 pack cream cheese (Philadelphia, Neushatel, or other)
2 tbsp bread crumbs
1 small bunch dill
1 small bunch tarragon
4 tbsp croutons (optional)
Salt and spices on taste


Peel and grate carrot and onions.
Cut zucchini, add them to boiling water or broth, and boil with low heating for 5 minutes.
Add fried carrots and onions to the boiling broth. Cut cream cheese into cubes, add them to the boiling broth, then add breadcrumbs, and mix carefully while cream cheese melts.
Cut dill and tarragon, and add to the boiling soup.
Make puree from the soup in a blender, add salt, grated ginger (optional), and ground chili pepper (optional).
Decorate with greens.

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