Small chocolate cakes with plumes


For dough:

8 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
½ lb peeled walnuts

For stuffing:

40 dried black plumes
40 almonds nuts
½ cup white wine

For glazing (icing):

1 lb dark chocolate
2 tbsp butter
3 tbsp light whipping cream


Soak plumes and nuts in a white wine for 5 hours, then drain, and place 1 almondsl nut inside of 1 plume, replacing the seed.
To make dough, separate egg whites and egg yolks.
Stir yolks with sugar, until they turns white.
Whip egg whites into very strong peak consistency, then add yolks, and continuing whipping,
Then, add flour by the teaspoon, and add grated walnuts, continuing whipping.
Cover a baking sheet with paper. Make 40 small dough balls using two teaspoons, and place them on the paper. Dough ball size has to be a little bigger than plum.
Pre-heat an oven to 150°C (300°F) , place the baking sheet in it, and bake for about 15 minutes.
Then, take out and cool.
To make a icing: melt dark chocolate together with whipping cream on very low heating, or over a saucepan with boiling water.
Add butter to the melted chocolate, mix thoroughly, and keep this mix warm.
Place the cakes on a baking paper sheet, smear every cake with the icing, put a plume on the top of r every cake, and let cool until the icing turns strong, then pour warm icing over the cake, to cover the plume, and let cool.

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