Appetizer with Liver and Cucumber


1 lb beef or pork liver
1 large English cucumber
2 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp ketchup
1 tsp mustard
1 egg
.25 gallon milk
Salt on taste
1 cup flour
1 cup bread crumbs


Defrost liver, remove all the membranes, and cut before or after defrosting into same-size squares with about 1 inch sides.

Put them in milk, and soak for 30 minutes.


Mix mayo, ketchup, mustard, egg, and salt.

Rice – Cheese – Egg Roll


¼ lb rice
1/5 lb cheese
1 egg

For filling:

4 hard-boiled eggs
2 tbsp butter or margarine
Pinch of salt


Steam the rice.
Cool to room temperature, mix with ground cheese and one fresh egg.
Cover the baking sheet with a waxing paper, place the rice-egg-cheese mix evenly over it.

Pre-heat an oven to 380 F (180 C), and place the baking sheet in the oven for 7-10 minutes.

Fish Zapekanka


1 lb fish fillets
1 large onion
1 lb potatoes
1 sweet red pepper
1 medium tomato
1 tbsp spices on your taste
1 tsp vegetable oil
0.5 cup water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp mayonnaise or sour cream


Wash fish fillets, and put on a baking dish greased with vegetable oil.

Peel and wash potatoes, and cut them into thin slices.

Wash red pepper, remove seeds, and cut into rings.

Wash tomato, and slice into rings.

Meat-Mushrooms Salad

Ingredients for 4:

0.5 lb boiled meat
0.5 lb mushrooms (champignons or other)
1 medium onion
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp mustard
Salt and pepper on taste


Cut the mushrooms into thin slices, and simmer with 1 tbsp water on low heating until they’re ready, or for about 15 minutes.

Cut the meat into medium cubes.

Cut the sweet onions into small cubes.

Mix all ingredients. Let sit for 1-2 hours in a refrigerator.



¼ lb butter
¼ lb margarine
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp honey
4 tsp cacao
4 cup corn or rolled oats
4 tbsp ground walnuts
1 tbsp soaked raisins


Mix butter, margarine, sugar, honey, and cacao together; bring to boil with low heating.

Boil for about 2 minutes, then mix with flakes, walnuts, and raisins.
Stir well.

Cover any flat dish with a baking waxing paper.
Using 2 teaspoons, divide the mix into 1-inch-size pieces.

Lentils with different dressings

Ingredients for 2:

1 cup lentils
½ tsp salt

For dressing:

5 bacon slices or 5 tbsp vegetable oil
1 medium onion
3 garlic cloves
3 coriander stalks
½ tsp adjika


Fry bacon on a dry skillet.
Peel onions and garlic, cut into small pieces, and stir-fry with the bacon fat.
Cut coriander greens into small pieces, add to the onions and garlic, then add adjika and stir well.

Meat with Sour Cream


2 lb de-boned meat
2 medium onions
2 medium carrots
1 bunch parsley greens
1 bunch Dill greens
1 bunch Coriander greens
2 garlic cloves
1-2 bay leaves
2-3 peppercorns
1 lb sour cream
Salt, ground black pepper on taste


Wash the meat, put in a sauce pan, pour hot water into the sauce pan (fill to 1” higher than the top of the meat), and bring to boil.

Remove foam, then add salt, and boil for about 25 minutes.

Simplest Fish-and-Potato Salad


1 lb potatoes
1/3 lb boiled or hot smoked fish fillets (cod is very appropriate; a mix of different fish is acceptable)
1 large salt cucumber (or ¼ lb salt cucumbers)
1 medium onion
2 tbsp black olives – optional
1 hardboiled egg – optional
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt and fresh-ground black pepper on taste


Boil the potatoes, then cool and peel them.
Ground the potatoes, or cut them into small cubes.

"Furry” Salad


1 can salmon in own juice
3-4 medium potatoes
0.5 cup ground walnuts
4 hard-boiled eggs
1 medium onion
0.5 kg ground cheese
1 sour apple
Mayonnaise on taste


Wash the potatoes, and boil them. Then, cool and peel.

Blend Mayonnaise with fish broth from the can until an even consistency is reached.

Press salmon with a fork until it crumbles into small pieces, and place them in a large salad bowl.

Steelhead Soup – Puree


0.4 gallon cold water
½ lb steelhead fillet
2 medium onions
4 medium potatoes
2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
2.5 oz (70 g) whipping cream
Ground peppers mix
1 tsp sea salt


Pour water in a saucepan, put the fish in the cold water, and bring to boil.
Boil for about 25 minutes on medium heating.
Note: don’t forget to de-foam!
Then, add salt.

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