Tatiana Cake


0.5 lb raisins
4 eggs
0.5 cup flour
1 pack vanilla sugar or vanilla on taste
1.5 tsp baking mix
0.2 tsp baking soda
2/3 cup flour
0.25 lb peeled and crushed walnuts

For the cream:

1 lb non-skim sour cream
0.5 cup sugar


Wash raisins, and soak for about 10 minutes in hot water, then drain.

Blend raisins, eggs, sugar, and vanilla together, until an even consistency.

Pea Soup-Puree


2 cup dry peas (or 2 lbs frozen ones)
3 medium carrots
1 large onion
2-3 tbsp tomato-puree
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt and pepper on taste
1 L (1/4 gallon) water or vegetable broth


Soak dry peas in warm water for 5-6 hours, or overnight.

Pour water or vegetable broth into a large sauce-pan, add the drained peas, and bring to boil.

Marinated Red Cabbage


2 heads red cabbage
2 tbsp salt
20 peppercorns
3 - 4 bay leaves
3 garlic cloves
2 cup red wine vinegar


Cut every cabbage head into 4 parts, remove stem and upper leaves, and cut into thin pieces.

Sprinkle with salt, mix, and place in a deep glass or enameled dish.
Keep at room temperature for 2 days, stirring twice a day.



For the dough:

100g sugar
1 cup sour cream
2 eggs
Half a teaspoon baking soda with equal part vinegar
1 cup flour
2 tbsp butter

For the filling:

0.5 kg tvorog (or 1 lb dry farmer’s cheese or Greek-style yogurt)
3 eggs
100g or 0.25 lb sugar
1 tbsp cream of wheat

For the sprinkles on top:

2 tbsp sugar powder or any icing


Lent Draniki


4 medium potatoes
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tsp potato starch (or corn starch)
Salt on taste
1 cup fried onions (optional)


Grate potatoes on a small grater, drain, and mix all ingredients.

Cook with a vegetable oil (1 tbsp for 4 draniki)for about 6-8 minutes.

Serve with any lent sauce (soy, tomato, shrimp, and so on).

Carrot a la Provencal


3 lb carrots
3 tbsp olive oil
3.5 oz (100 g) black olives cut in halves


Peel the carrots, and cut into medium cubes.

Pre-heat oil on a skillet with medium heating, put the carrots on the skillet, roll with hot oil, cover with a lid, and cook for about 20 minutes with low heating.

Then, add olives, salt, and pepper (optional), stir, and cook for 20 more minutes.

Check if there are enough spices, add if necessary, and serve.

Black Radish in Honey


2 lbs black radish
2 cup sugar
2 cup honey
2 cups water
½ lb peeled walnuts
1 tsp ginger
Orange peels on taste


Peel the radish, then wash and grate.

Boil for about 10 minutes with ½ cup boiling water, then wash with cool water, and drain in a colander covered with fabrics.
The radish smell will go with the water.

Mix water, sugar, and honey; bring to boil.

Cooked Small Fish


1 lb any small fish like smelts
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup strong black tea
1 tbsp salt
Black peppercorns, cinnamon, bay leaves, lemon juice, salt on taste


Clean fish, remove the innards and black membranes, and put the fish in a saucepan.

Mix oil, tea, and all chosen spices together.

Pour this mix over the fish, and bring to boil with small heating under a lid.

Tuna Salad

Ingredients for 2:

¼ lb boiled, baked or canned tuna, or other sea fish
¼ lb hard cheese
¼ lb apple
2 tbsp Mayonnaise
1 tbsp orange juice
1 tsp mustard
1 tbsp whipping cream
1 tomato
1 cucumber
1 lemon
Green salad leaves, black olives, and greens for decoration


Cut the tuna and cheese into small cubes.

Cut the apples into thin strips, or grate.

Blend together Mayo, whipping cream, orange juice, and mustard.

"Faberge" eggs

Ingredients for 4:

4 (or 8, or 12) eggs
1 l broth
Gelatin pack
Fillings on your taste (descriptions are below)


Wash the eggs thoroughly, and drain.

Cut “a cup” from a blunt end with size about 0.5 inch, and pour the eggs in a cup (use them for other dishes). Let the shells warm to a room temperature, wash from inside slightly, and remove the films from inside of every egg carefully, if necessary.

Place every shell into usual container for eggs.

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