Northern Caviar Soup


1 lb fish fillets
1 l (1/4 gallon) fish broth
1 large onion
0.25 lb caviar
Salt and spices on taste


Put fish in a fish broth, add salt on taste, and bring to boil.
Peel the onions, and cut into medium pieces.
Put the onions and spices into the saucepan with the fish.
Cook while removing the foam, for 10-15 minutes.

Take the fish fillets out of the saucepan, cut into serving portions, and set aside.

Eggplants Appetizer


2 small eggplants,or 1 lb
2 medium onions
2 hardboiled eggs
1 small garlic clove
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Greens and salt on taste

Peel the eggplants, cut into halves, and sprinkle with vegetable oil.
Pre-heat an oven to 380-400 F (180-200 C), and bake the eggplants until they turn soft (check it with a fork).

Peel and thinly cut the onions, and fry them with the vegetable oil until they become soft as well, and turn golden colored.

Cod liver – Tvorog Pate


200 g (or 0.5 lb) tvorog
60 g (or 3 oz) cod liver, boiled or canned
4 hard-boiled eggs yolks
1 slice of white bread, soaked in water
Tomatoes and thinly cut parsley and dill greens for decoration
Salt on taste


Blend tvorog, cod liver, yolks, and bread until an even consistency.
Place in the middle of a flat plate; decorate with tomato rings and greens around the center, serve.


Chicken Liver Blintzes Pie


1.25 lb chicken livers
2 large onions
2 eggs
5 tbsp flour
0.5 lb potatoes
2 large carrots
Salt, Mayo, and spices on taste
Green peas and hardboiled eggs for decoration


Peel and cut the onions, and fry for 3-5 minutes with 1 tbsp vegetable oil until a pleasant aroma arises.

Grate the liver and onions together, then add eggs, flour, and whip together.

Vegetable Cutlets - 2


2 lb vegetables
1.5 cup milk
0.5 cup cream of wheat
3 eggs
0.5 cup bread crumbs
4 tbsp butter or margarine
Salt and spices on taste


Wash and peel the vegetables.
Grate them, and put in a saucepan.
Pour 1.5 cup hot milk into the saucepan, add 1 tbsp butter, sprinkle with salt, and mix.

Bring to boil with low heating, and boil for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pikeperch Baked in Sauce


2 lb pikeperch
2 lb potatoes
1 large onion
½ tsp ground black pepper
3-5 bay leaves
3 tbsp butter or margarine
Greens and salt on taste


Peel the potatoes, wash, and cut into medium cubes.
Peel the onions, and cut into strips.
Mix potatoes, onions, bay leaves, salt, and pepper together.

Grease a baking sheet with butter.
Put the mix on a baking sheet in a ring shape, and place the pikeperch fillets in the middle.

Beef a la Vienna


2 lb beef fillets
1 bunch greens
1 medium onion
2-3 bay leaves
1 whole clove
1 garlic clove
2 tsp sugar
2 tbsp butter or margarine
2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp ground horseradish
Salt on taste


Put the meat in a saucepan, pour hot water over it, covering it entirely, and bring to boil with medium heating.
Boil for 10 minutes, removing the foam.
Add greens, bay leaves, a whole clove, garlic, salt, and sugar.

Home-Made Hard Cheese

Ingredients for 1 lb cheese:

2 l pasteurized milk
0.5 l sour milk
4 eggs
1 tsp salt, or less
Red sweet pepper


Heat 0.5 l milk to warm (about 45 C), add 1 tbsp kefir, or sour cream, or yogurt, and let sit in a room temperature for 24 hours.
(Note: You can use 0.5 l kefir instead.)

Whip eggs and sour milk together until an even consistency of sour cream.
Bring 2 l milk to boil, and turn heating to very low.

Pumpkin Kasha


0.5 lb ripe pumpkin without the seeds and peel
2 cup rice or millet
3 cup milk
1-2 tbsp butter (optional)
1 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp ground nuts per serving (optional)
Raisins and dried apricots pieces on taste


Soak raisins and apricots pieces.

Cauliflowers a la Polonaise


1 head cauliflower
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup crumbled white bread
2 tbsp chopped parsley greens
2 hard-boiled eggs
2 tbsp melted butter (or margarine)
Salt and pepper on taste


Cut the cauliflowers into small flowers, and put in a medium-size saucepan.
Pour 2-3 cups water with lemon juice, and bring to boil with a large heating.
Then, turn heating to medium, and boil for 5 minutes.
Drain, and put in the salad bowl.

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