Fish salad with fried onions


1 can any fish in own juice or in oil
3 hard-boiled eggs
2 large onions
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp sugar
3 tbsp mayonnaise
Crushed black pepper on taste


Take egg yolks and crush them.
Shred egg whites.
Add oil in a large skillet, heat and add thin onion rings to the skillet, pour sugar over it and fry until the onion rings are golden. Cool the onions.

Macaroni a la fleet

One of the huge advantages of this dish is that it’s fast to cook, and is cheap and flavorful, and this allows a lot of variations. This is a traditional fleet dish, and also favorite dish of tired college students and tired wives.

Ingredients for 4:

1 pack of ground beef or ground pork (possible, use canned meat instead of this)
1 pack of any pasta (traditionally, in Russia this is macaroni)
1 large shallot onion
Salt, black pepper, other spices, – on taste


“Fish salad with potato 1”

Ingredients for 8:

1 lb boiled potato
¼ lb any fish (boiled, baked, smoked, or from the can – any fish you have in your kitchen) with no bones
1 large salt cucumber
1 medium onion
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
Black pepper and salt on taste


Peel potato, cut into small cubes.
Cut the fish, the cucumber and the peeled onions into small cubes.
Mix all the ingredients in a dish, add oil, and mix well once more.


Tender Salmon

Time required: 15 minutes

Russian Nobility Cuisine: Tender Salmon

The original recipe is somewhat involved, so I am giving you a simpler version that still tastes great. That includes using ingredients available in your nearest grocery store (although I usually buy them in Costco.)

Beets with plums – Appetizer

Ingredients for 4:

½ lb boiled and peeled beets
¼ lb dried pitted black plums
2 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp sour cream
Salt, sugar, lemon juice on taste


Soak plums for 1 hour.
Grate beets.
Cut plums into small pieces.
Mix beets and plums in a medium dish, add lemon juice and salt to the dish, mix.
Mix mayonnaise, sour cream, and sugar; pour in the dish with beets and plums.
Mix very well and serve.


Every University student of the Soviet Union knew this very cheap and very tasty dish perfectly. “Ponchiki” are lighter and fluffier analog of doughnuts, and Soviet student ate them with coffee. Although a serving of “ponchiki” is ready in about 1 minute, this was not fast food in the general sense, because they cooked it only from freshly prepared dough.

Traditional Russian “ponchiki”:


1 cup milk
2 cup flour
1 egg
1/8 lb margarine (half of the stick)
1 tbsp sugar

4-ingredients chicken salad

Ingredients for 2:

1 chicken breast without skin and bones
1 1/4 lb ready champignons (not salted, not pickled)
1 cup walnuts
Salt and mayonnaise on taste


Boil chicken breast until ready. Cool, then tear by hands (do not cut!) into thin stripes, and add to a dish.
Dry and slice champignons, and add them into the dish.
Add medium walnut pieces to the dish.
Add salt and mayonnaise (or a mix of mayonnaise and sour cream, 1:1), and mix well.

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