Salmon with pine nut butter

Ingredients for 4:

4 pieces salmon filets by ½ lb each
¼ cup pine nut oil
¼ cup butter
¼ cup crushed pine nuts
2 tbsp red wine
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp cut chives
1 garlic clove, crushed


Wash salmon, and put in small saucepan.
Mix pine nut oil, red wine, lemon juice, and chives, pour over salmon, and mix.
Cover saucepan with lid, and place it in refrigerator for 3 hours.

Simple Yeast Blinis

"Blinis" is just multiple of "blin".


1 lb all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
3 eggs
1 tbsp butter
1 pack yeast
1 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt


Warm up 1 cup milk (do not boil!), dissolve yeast in it, then add all the flour and knead the dough. Set in warm place for 1 hour.
Warm up one more cup of the milk. Add salt, sugar, egg yolks.
Blend well, and add the mix into raised dough. Blend all together, and let to stand.

Blinis with assorted filling (noble variation)


1 lb all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
3 eggs
1 tbsp butter
1 pack yeast
1 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt


Warm up 1 cup milk (do not boil!), dissolve yeast in it, then add all the flour and knead the dough. Set in warm place for 1 hour.
Warm up one more cup of the milk. Add salt, sugar, egg yolks.
Blend well, and add the mix into raised dough. Blend all together, and let to stand.
Whip egg whites, and add them to a dough, blend, and cook blinis.

Vareniki with cabbage and mushrooms

Ingredients for 8:

3 cups wheat flour
1 cup water
6 tbsp vegetable oil
1 lb cabbage
½ lb mushrooms
1 onion
Salt on taste


Clean and wash mushrooms and boil until ready (10-15 minutes), then dry and cut into small cubes.
Slice cabbage thinly into short thin stripes, fry for 15 minutes on a pre-heated skillet with 3 tbsp oil, stirring thoroughly. Cut onions into small cubes, fry with 2 tbsp oil.
Mix cabbage, onions, salt, and set aside.

Asparagus and ham

Ingredients for 4:

3/4 lb trimmed thin asparagus
4 slices boiled ham
1 cup grated cheese
1 1/4 light cream
1 cup chicken broth
1 tbsp butter
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1 lemon
1 tsp sugar
salt and peper on taste


Bring to boil 2 cups water, add salt, sugar, and lemin juice, put asparagus, and cook for 15 minutes, ot until asparagus is tender but still firm.
Mix in small saucepan chicken broth and cream and cook until reduced by half.

Other “Southern” Salad


1/2 lb sweet red pepper
1/2 lb tomatoes
1/3 lb onions
1/3 lb cucumbers
1/3 lb breadcrumbs
1/3 lb yogurt or sour cream
Salt and pepper on taste


Cut off pepper seeds.
Cut pepper into long thin stripes.
Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into medium-size pieces.
Cut onions into small cubes.
Cook breadcrumbs on a skillet until a nice aroma arises.
Mix vegetables and breadcrumbs, add salt (and, optionally, black pepper).

Simplest apple pie “Charlotte”


1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
3 eggs


Stir sugar and eggs then mix this with flour, knead the dough.
Peel and cut apples into small cubes, put them in greased baking form.
Pour the dough over them and shake the form (the dough has to be on the form’s bottom too.
Bake in an oven on low heat.
The pie is ready when the dough is ready (if you pierce the pie with a wood stick, there will not be dough on it.)

“Zapekanka” – Tvorog – cream wheat baked pudding

Tvorog is a product of sour milk. The closest American analog is cottage cheese with small curds, but it has a different taste.
You can buy (or at least find out where to buy) tvorog in any Russian store.

Ingredients for 2:

1 pack of tvorog (250 g). or ½ lb cottage cheese.
2 eggs
3 tbsp (or 1 pack) cream wheat, or bread crumbs
1 tbsp sugar
½ cup raisins
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp lemon juice
Vanilla on taste
Kefir or sour cream
1 tbsp margarine


Dessert Pavlova

This recipe was created in 1929 in New Zealand or in 1934 in Australia (these two countries are now trying to prove in a court whose recipe this originally is: Australia’s or New-Zealand’s.
This dessert was created in honor of the famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, after her tour in 1926 in Australia and New Zealand. Note that this dessert is one of the national symbols of New Zealand, and one of the national symbols of Australia.

About Anna Pavlova, the most celebrated dancer of her time:
born Jan. 31, 1881, St. Petersburg, Russia

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